Monday, April 7, 2008


Basically a random shot on "depression"...Depression is~feeling down due to something trivial?O.otaken from wikipedia~

Basic reason of Depression~
-mental disorder
-Enviroment- too noisy, constantly abused or sort

Many ppl get depressed from time to time...not excluding me of cause and yet... its not the depressed person himself or herself that suffer, but also the people that surrounds them. Those friends that are concern and care for them are also in pain seeing them suffer.

Yet, there is almost nothing we, as bystanders can do to help the people suffering from depression to get better...Well, most people would really appreciate a good friend to accompany them and share their burden or rather share their pain. Well, if u're a good joker, perhaps cracking a few good jokes would lower down the tense atmosphere surrounding that person.

Thus, as friend, we often want to help. But in some cases, its better for u just to stay by their side and do nothing. Because anything we do or say might worsen the friends, surely we would not want such thing to happen...

Depression is just another feeling of a human being that is hard to apprehend...such as fear, anger, sad....they ain't gonna get lost by taking slight measure...feeling may fade along with the nature course of time...or it may stay...for as long as possible...which is......unsightly..>.<

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